Mizu Irazu (水入らず - With Nobody Else)

Jun 8, 2017 07:21
When I introduced the term "mizu kusai" (水臭い), which means that someone is formal and secretive, I also introduced another term "mizu irazu" (水入らず) briefly.

Today I'd like to talk about this term in more detail.

The literal meaning of "mizu irazu" is "there is no room to add water," and it refers to "close relationships" or "family gatherings."

It is said that where the water is tried to be poured is in oil.

Here, from the fact that water and oil don't mix well, water represents other people and oil represents familiar people.

That is, mizu irazu refers to that there is only oil (relatives) without water (other people), and it can refers to the above meanings.

In general, it is used as "hūhu mizu irazu" (hūhu means husband and wife) or "oyako mizu irazu" (oyako means parent and child).







No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • Today I'd like to talk about this term in more detail.
  • Today I'd like to explain this term in more detail.
  • It is said that where the water is tried to be poured is in oil.
  • It is said that oil is the liquid that can't be dissolved in water.
  • Here, from the fact that water and oil don't mix well, water represents other people and oil represents familiar people.
  • Here, from the fact that water and oil don't mix well, water represents other people (or: outsiders) and oil represents familiar people.
Interesting! I think you should consider starting a blog to publish your writing.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that, I'd like to do that in the near future :)
You're welcome!

>I'd like to do that in the near future :)

Nice. Keep us updated)